performance | RAÍZES Untamed Productions
Direção Ricardo Ambrozio.
Trilha sonora Cláudio Rabeca e Rodrigo Ramalho
Ínterpretes criadores Marina Abib, Beno Novak, Fruta Come, Pieter Desmet, Junior Yussuf and Jenna Jalonen.
Co-produção Ilú Dança Teatro
Agradecimentos especiais a CC De Werft, CC Wolubilis, Maison de la Creation, Workspace Brussels, GC De Kriekelaar, Ultima Vez.
“Quando as raizes são profundas, não existem motivo para tener o vento"
Provébio Africano People, home, roots, travel, identity, together, different, road, me, you… us. Fed in “saudade”, and in my personal search of an identity rooted so deeply that it doesn’t matter where: I’m at home. I’m at home because I know from where I came from, I know the bricks that built my walls, I know the desires that end my hunger, and the tears that quench my thirst. I take my home with me and spread it all over, inviting people to this feast of senses that it is to be Brazilian. Based on this search of a home and identity, RAÍZES, a trip of different people will carry us through the most deep labyrinth of our souls and make us question how deep are our roots. Brazilian based live music and vertiginous movements out of the fusion of contemporary dance and popular dances of the world will spice this performance and strike you by the vigorous energy and total surrender of the performers.
Estrtéia 16 de novembro CC De Werft/ Geel (BE)
18 de novembro GC Kriekerlaar/ Brusxelas (BE)
Apresentado em Portugal, Belgica e México.